Record Setting Cold -  October 3 and 6, 1999

October continues to set record cold temperatures. In addition to the record cold set at Embarrass (9 degrees F) and Tower (14 degrees F) on October 3rd, Wednesday, October 6th also brought record cold to many northern Minnesota communities. The following were morning lows reported on October 6th and their ranking in each station's climate record:

Location Mininum Temp. Historical Ranking on October 6
International Falls 18 degrees F new record
Orr 18 new record
Eveleth 18 new record
Ely 19 new record
Aitkin 19 tied record of 1976
Bigfork 21 new record
Hibbing 21 new record
Grand Rapids 21 3rd coldest
Cook 21 2nd coldest
Crane Lake 23 new record
Roseau 23 2nd coldest
Bemidji 23 3rd coldest

Mark Seeley
Professor and Extension Climatologist
Department of Soil, Water, and Climate
University of Minnesota
St Paul, MN 55108


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Last modified: October 8, 1999