Cold Daily High Temperatures
From the Minneapolis/St. Paul Weather Service daily temperature record (from 1891 to 1991), it can be seen that a daily high temperature less than freezing is possible until the last day of April. The following dates and temperatures show the progression of the lowest high temperatures of record through April and part of May. These may be regarded as the latest dates for which the stated temperature has been the high temperature for the day (i.e. 'The daily high has never been colder than XX later than YY'). Mar 30 15 1969 Apr 1 22 1896 Apr 2 23 1920 Apr 11 25 1940 Apr 12 28 1950 Apr 30 31 1909 May 1 33 1909 May 6 35 1931 May 14 38 1907 May 15 39 1907 For dates after May 15, a high of less than 40 has not been observed at Minneapolis/St. Paul. An example from Greater Minnesota: At Morris 'latest lowest high temps' are Mar 30 8 1969 31 14 1969 Apr 2 18 1975 6 20 1979 13 23 1950 16 26 1910 May 4 30 1944 7 32 1907 9 38 1902 12 39 1966 For dates after May 12, a high of less than 40 has not been observed at Morris.