HydroClim Minnesota - November 2007
A monthly electronic newsletter summarizing Minnesota climate conditions and the resulting impact on water resources.
Distributed on the Wednesday following the first Monday of each month.
State Climatology Office - DNR Waters
compiled 11/7/2007
October 2007 rainfall totals were well
above historical averages in nearly all Minnesota counties. As
was the case in September, drought-stricken regions of central
and northern Minnesota received welcome rains, further improving the situation. October monthly rainfall totals in
excess of four inches were common across Minnesota, approximately doubling
the October normal. On a statewide basis, it was the third wettest
October in the modern record. For many northeastern Minnesota communities, it was
the wettest October ever, with precipitation totals topping eight inches in
a few places. Many of these same locations had set
all-time high precipitation records in September as well.
(see: http://climate.umn.edu/cawap/monsum/monsum.asp
the most significant weather event of October was a powerful
storm which marched northeast across Minnesota on the 18th and 19th. The storm
produced locally heavy rainfall totals of two to four inches along the
North Shore, creating road-closing floods. Wind gusts in excess of 40 mph were reported
across Minnesota. Gale warnings were posted along the near shore of
Lake Superior.
mean temperatures for October 2007 were four to six degrees above the historical average
throughout Minnesota. Extreme values for October ranged from a high of 90 degrees for
multiple locations in west central and southeastern Minnesota on the 6th, to
a low of 12 degrees at Embarrass (St. Louis County) on October
28. Numerous high maximum and high minimum temperature records were
set on the 6th and 7th.
(see: http://climate.umn.edu/cawap/monsum/monsum.asp
substantial September and October rains
flushed away drought concerns in most Minnesota counties. Only three months
ago, one half of Minnesota was considered to be experiencing
"Severe" or "Extreme" drought. The U. S. Drought Monitor, released on
October 30, now places a relatively small area of west central and
central Minnesota in the "Moderate Drought" category. Portions of northwestern and north central
Minnesota remain designated as "Abnormally Dry", an acknowledgement of some lingering
precipitation deficits. All other Minnesota locales are deemed to be free of drought
conditions. The U. S. Drought Monitor index is a blend of science and
subjectivity where intensity categories are based on several
(see: http://www.drought.unl.edu/dm/monitor.html
the U.S. Geological Survey reports that discharge values for
roughly one half of the state's rivers rank in the highest 25th percentile
historically. Only five percent of Minnesota's rivers rank below the 25th
percentile when compared with historical data for this time of year. This
is a substantial improvement from early September when stream flow in one
third of the state's rivers ranked in the lowest
(see: http://water.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/dailyMainW?state=mn&map_type=weekd
, http://climate.umn.edu/dow/weekly_stream_flow/stream_flow_weekly.asp
water levels remain below average on some Minnesota lakes. However, the
wet autumn caused most Minnesota lakes to rebound to within a
range of levels commonly found at this time of year. In
some cases, lake levels soared past mid-range in October and are
now well above average. The Lake Superior water level is up five inches from
early October. While the Lake Superior water level is no longer near the
all-time seasonal low, it remains well below the long-term average.
(see: http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/now/wlevels/plots/superior.gif
, http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/ , http://lwcb.ca/waterflowdata.html
- the Minnesota Agricultural
Statistics Service reports that as of November 2, topsoil moisture across
79% of Minnesota's landscape was "Adequate". This is a substantial
improvement from conditions reported in early August when nearly 85% of the
state reported less than adequate soil moisture conditions.
(see: http://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Minnesota/Publications/Crop_Progress_&_Condition/index.asp
- the DNR Division of Forestry classifies current wildfire danger as
"Low" across most of Minnesota. Wildfire danger in the metropolitan
area is categorized as "Moderate".
(see: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/
- the November precipitation outlook from the Climate
Prediction Center has a strong bias towards below normal conditions across
Minnesota. November precipitation normals range from around one inch in
western Minnesota to over two inches in eastern sections of the state. The
average date of the first enduring snow cover ranges from the first week of
November in northeastern Minnesota, to the final week of November in south
central counties.
(see: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day
, http://climate.umn.edu/img/normals/precip/precip_norm_11.htm
- the November temperature outlook indicates no significant tendencies away from climatological
probabilities across Minnesota. Normal November high temperatures are in
the mid-40s to upper 40s to start the month, dropping to the mid-20s to near
30 by month's end. Normal lows are in the upper 20s early in
the month, falling into the mid-teens by late November.
(see: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day
, http://climate.umn.edu/img/normals/temp_norm_adj/temp_norm_adj_11.htm
- the November temperature
outlook indicates no significant tendencies away from climatological
probabilities across Minnesota. Normal November high temperatures are in the
mid-40s to upper 40s to start the month, dropping to the mid-20s
to near 30 by month's end. Normal lows
are in the upper 20s early in the month,
falling into the mid-teens by late November.
(see: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/long_range/seasonal.php?lead=01
- the National Weather Service produces long-range probabilistic river
stage and discharge outlooks for the Red River, Minnesota River, and
Mississippi River basins. These products are part of the National Weather
Service's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS).
(see: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ncrfc/
- none
- none
- November 15: National
Weather Service releases 30/90 day temperature and precipitation
http://climate.umn.edu - Minnesota
Climatology Working Group, Minnesota DNR Waters and University of Minnesota
Department of Soil, Water, and Climate
http://www.drought.unl.edu - National
Drought Mitigation Center
- U.S. Geological Survey
http://www.lre.usace.army.mil - Detroit District, US
Army Corps of Engineers
http://mndnr.gov/waters - Minnesota DNR Waters
http://lwcb.ca - Lake of
the Woods Control Board
http://www.nass.usda.gov - USDA,
National Agricultural Statistics Service
- Minnesota DNR Forestry
http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov -
Climate Prediction Center, National Weather Service
http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ncrfc -
North Central River Forecast Center - Chanhassen, National Weather Service
- none
To subscribe or unsubscribe to "HydroClim" please notify Greg Spoden:
gspoden@umn.edu or greg.spoden@dnr.state.mn.us
Contributions of information and suggestions are welcome!