Extended Periods of Zero or Below for the Twin Cities

At 2 pm January 13, 2005 the temperature dropped below zero at the Twin Cities Airport. The forecast from the National Weather Service has the Twin Cities flirting with highs staying near zero for the next couple of days. How long would a stretch of zero or below weather be to make the top ten list? The mercury would have to stay at or below zero for at least FOUR full calendar days to have a chance of making the list. The most modern stretch of at or below zero temperatures to make the top ten list was in January 1994.

Extended Periods Zero or Below (From 1891-2005)
For Minneapolis/St. Paul

Rank Time Began          Time End         Hours
1.   8pm Dec 31 1911 to  1pm Jan 8  1912  186
2.   2am Jan 18 1963 to  2pm Jan 24 1963  157
3.   4pm Jan 21 1936 to  2pm Jan 27 1936  143
4.   3pm Jan 13 1994 to  1pm Jan 19 1994  142
5.   7am Jan 16 1970 to  2pm Jan 22 1970  140
6.   1am Feb 14 1936 to  1pm Feb 19 1936  133
7.   3am Jan  8 1977 to  1am Jan 13 1977  119
8.   6pm Jan 19 1935 to 12pm Jan 24 1935  115
9.   6pm Jan  8 1912 to  9am Jan 13 1912  112
9.   8pm Dec 17 1963 to 11am Dec 22 1963  112 (tie)


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URL: http://climate.umn.edu/doc/journal/mspzero050114.htm
Last modified: January 14, 2005