Average wind speed reported from MSP International Airport on St Patrick's Day, March 17th (1945-1999) Year Ave Wind Speed Year Ave Wind Speed (mph) (mph) 1945* 15.8 1946* 12.4 1947 9.7 1948 5.9 1949 11.7 1950 16.6 1951** 8.3 1952** 13.6 1953 10.9 1954 14.5 1955** 16.4 1956 8.9 1957 9.7 1958 10.7 1959 8.4 1960 9.0 1961 10.9 1962 6.9 1963* 13.8 1964 14.5 1965** 20.1 1966* 16.4 1967 11.3 1968 17.4 1969 7.6 1970 7.5 1971 4.6 1972 8.7 1973 11.8 1974** 6.7 1975 12.0 1976 8.4 1977** 13.9 1978 11.2 1979 15.4 1980 12.3 1981 15.8 1982 5.6 1983** 10.3 1984 14.5 1985 9.2 1986 9.0 1987 20.2 1988 9.8 1989** 11.3 1990** 18.3 1991 7.2 1992 12.3 1993 6.8 1994 14.1 1995 10.9 1996 10.3 1997 10.3 1998** 12.7 1999 preliminary ave wind speed 19.8 mph (3rd highest) and a wind gust to 46 mph. NOTE: * indicates rain and ** indicates snow on those dates St Patrick's Day of 1965 and 1987 were certainly the windiest based on average wind speed, though probably not significantly different from 1999. Wind advisories, based on sustained wind speeds of 30 mph for at least an hour or gusts to 45 mph, were undoubtedly issued for St Patrick's Day in all three years. In 1965 over 11 inches of snow fell along and was blown around by the strong winds. 1987 and 1999 had strong winds but were dry days. Fourteen St Patrick's Day celebrations since 1945 have have seen some form of measurable precipitation (a 25 percent occurrence), while ten have seen snowfall (an 18 percent occurrence). With an average wind speed of 11.7 mph over the past 55 years, St Patrick's Day certainly qualifies as one of the windiest celebrations in the state of Minnesota. Mark Seeley Professor and Extension Climatologist Department of Soil, Water, and Climate University of Minnesota St Paul, MN 55108