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High Dewpoint Stretches, July 30 -  August 2, 2001
Twin Cities

When the Twin Cities International Airport dewpoint temperature dropped to 67 degrees at 2:00 am on the morning of August 2, it ended a stretch of 66 consecutive hours of dewpoints greater than or equal to 70 degrees. The streak fell short of the 69 hour record established August 21-23, 1968, but ranks as the second longest of record. The period of record used was 1945-2001. Hourly dewpoint data are not available for the early 20th century. However, there is evidence that the 1968 record MAY have been matched or exceeded previously.

When the Twin Cities International Airport dewpoint temperature dropped to 70 degrees at 6:00 pm on July 31, it ended a stretch of 28 consecutive hours of dewpoints greater than or equal to 74. This broke the  record of 25 consecutive hours of  dewpoints greater than or equal to 74 degrees set July 3-4, 1977.


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Last modified: August 2, 2001