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Thanksgiving Weather 1991-2000

Weather conditions on Thanksgiving over the past ten years have ranged from mild and pleasant, to snowy and chilly. Three times out of the last ten years there has been a high of 50 degrees or higher. There has also been at least one inch of snow on the ground three of the last ten years. It is interesting to note while there was six inches on the ground for Thanksgiving in 1991 it was not from the Halloween Blizzard. Most of the snow from the Halloween Blizzard melted in only three weeks

Year Day High Low Snow Snowdepth
1991 28 23 10 0 6 inches
1992 26 54 36 0 None
1993 25 33 20 4.3 2 inches
1994 24 48 28 0 None
1995 23 20 9 0 None
1996 28 31 17 0 9 inches
1997 27 45 29 0 None
1998 26 58 28 0 None
1999 25 47 30 0 None
2000 23 29 16 0 1 inch


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Last modified: November 20, 2001