Candidates for the most significant Minnesota weather
or weather-driven events of the 20th Century.

Points were assigned to the top five events chosen by the respondents
#1 choice = 5 points, #2 choice = 4 points, #3 = 3 points, #2 = 2 points and #1 = 1 point

Votes Event Rank
86 1930's Dust Bowl 1
76 1940 Armistice Day Blizzard 2
38 1991 Halloween Blizzard 3
31 1997 Red & Minnesota River Flooding 4
18.5 1965 Fridley Tornado Outbreak 5 (tie)
18.5 1965 Mississippi & Minnesota River Flooding 5 (tie)
18 1975 "Edmond Fitzgerald" Storm 7
17 1987 Twin Cities Super Storm 8
15 1988 Drought 9
15 1993 Summer Flooding 9
13 1998 St. Peter/Comfrey Tornadoes 11
12 1975 Central Minnesota Blizzard 12
6 1919 Fergus Falls Tornado 13
5 1982 Metro Area Twin January Snowstorms 14
4 1976 Drought 15
4 1992 Chandler Tornado 15
3 1904 Twin Cities Tornadoes and Windstorms 17
3 1992 Cold and Wet Spring 17
2 1934 May Dust Storm 19
2 1948 Winona Windstorm 19
1 1903 Midsummer Hard Freeze 21
1 1980 July Tornadoes 21
1 1984 February Surprise Blizzard 21
1 1999 Boundary Waters Blow Down 21
0 1905 Great Lakes Mataafa Storm 22
0 1910 Drought 22
0 1913 Great Lakes Storm 22
0 1918 Tyler Tornado 22
0 1941 Ides of March Blizzard 22
0 1975 Red River Floods 22
0 1996 Cold Outbreak 22
0 1997 "Inland Hurricane" 22
0 1918 Drought (Cloquet Fire) 22
0 1972 Central Minnesota Flash Flood 22


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