Record Warmth - May 15, 1998
In addition to the strong straight line winds, tornadoes, hail
and heavy rainfall, the storm system on Friday, May 15 brought
with it record setting dewpoint temperatures and record setting
warm minimum temperatures.  Several communities, including the 
Twin Cities, reported dew points of 70 degrees F or greater, 
breaking the old record dewpoints (most of which were in the 
high 60s F) for May 15th.  
The warm, moist air mass on both the 14th and 15th produced 
some record warm minimum temperatures for several communities
as well, including the following (all from preliminary data)..
International Falls 60 F pm the 15th (tied the record from 1977)
Sioux Falls, SD 66 F on May 14th.
Caledonia 67 F on the 15th (tied record warm of 1962)
Waseca 70 F on the 15th
Winnebago 66 F on the 15th (tied the record from 1977)
Morris 67 F on the 15th
Faribault 67 F on the 15th
Hutchinson 70 F on the 15th
Lamberton 69 F on the 15th
Pipestone 67 F on the 15th
Aitkin 71 F on the 15th (warmest ever minimum temp in May) 

Mark Seeley
Professor and Extension Climatologist
Department of Soil, Water, and Climate
University of Minnesota


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Last modified: May 19, 1998