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Warm November 2001 A look at the month ... November 2001, brought record warmth to Minnesota. The average high in the Twin Cities was 46.4 degrees which is more typical of an average temperature for April. Even more unusal was the degree of warmth. Most cities had average temperatures over 10 degrees above normal. Many places in the region set all time monthly record highs for November. Some of these average temperature records were over 5 degrees warmer than the previous record. Some November temperatures can be found in the table below.
In the modern Twin Cities record, only three positive temperature departures have been larger than November 2001's value
of +13.2:
The November positive departure in the Twin Cities was the second largest in the modern record when normalized against monthly standard deviation. June of 1933 was 3.24 standard deviations away from the long-term mean, whereas November 2001 was 3.14 standard deviations from the mean. |