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Wet 2004 Warm Season

April - October 2004 Precipitation Map

A preliminary look at 2004 warm season (April through October) precipitation totals indicates that rainfall was well above historical averages in many Minnesota communities. Bolstering the seven-month totals were two extraordinarily wet months, May and September. Total precipitation for April through October topped 30 inches in most south central and southeastern counties (see map at right). This matches average annual precipitation totals in these areas. Some west central and northwestern Minnesota communities also matched their yearly average precipitation over the course of the seven month period.

Precipitation totals for April through October 2004 exceeded historical averages by four or more inches across large sections of Minnesota (see map at lower left). Positive precipitation departures topped eight inches in many areas. In some south central and southeastern communities, seasonal precipitation totals exceeded normal by more than 10 inches.

When compared with other April through October periods in the historical database, 2004 warm season rainfall totals ranked above the 95th percentile in many sections of southern, central, west central, and northwestern Minnesota. (see map at lower right). A ranking at or above the 95th percentile indicates that only five years of the past 100 have been as wet during the April through October time frame. Warm season precipitation in some southeastern and northwestern Minnesota communities ranked at or above the 99th percentile in many counties. A ranking at the 99th percentile indicates that rainfall totals were at or near all-time record high values.

April - October 2004 Precipitation Departure Map April - October 2004 Precipitation Ranking Map
Some northeastern Minnesota locations were missed by the barrage of rainfall events. April through October precipitation totals finished below normal in some areas. Much of St. Louis county reported rainfall totals that fell short of normal by two or more inches.

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Last modified: November 2, 2004