Topic: Preliminary July Climate Summary I am not the only one who is happy to say goodbye and good riddance to July's weather. In brief, it started out stormy (windy with severe thunderstorms) and cold (near record cold the first week), followed by ugly (cloudy) and wet (frequent and excessive rainfall), then oppressive humidity (dew points above 75 degrees F) with abundant mosquitos and mold. I was provoked to write the following cynical verse about summer: Summertime isn't always so sublime. Sometimes it's a crime. Wet basements. Damaged pavements. Insurance claimants. Saturated soil. Cars that boil. Food that spoils. Broken trees. July freeze. Plant disease. Running fans. Watering bans. Sweaty hands. Too much heat. Cannot sleep. Feeling cheap. Soccer rainout. Broken downspout. Many chores to count. Downed wires. Irritable drivers. Patience that tires. Forecasters mistakes. Hard to take. Give 'em a break. July was one of the wettest on record for many locations. The preliminary data suggest it was the 7th wettest July for the state as a whole, averaging all reports. In central and east central Minnesota it was perhaps the wettest July ever, with numerous reports of total rainfall in excess of 10 inches. The following communites set rainfall records for the month: Delano at 10.19 inches, Hutchinson at 9.33 inches, Hastings at 13.51 inches, and Faribault with 8.71 inches. Many other locations recorded 10 inches or greater, ranking second behind the two other wet Julys of 1987 and 1972. The Twin Cities with 12.48 inches was second only to 17.9 inches recorded for July of 1987. Climate Division mean July rainfall for 1997 and the associated historical ranking for the period 1896-1997 (from preliminary data through MCC)... CD 4 5.37 inches, 8th wettest CD 5 9.43 inches, wettest CD 6 9.63 inches, wettest CD 8 7.13 inches, 4th wettest CD 9 8.20 inches, 2nd wettest Other CDs were not ranked in the top 10 historically. Rainfall intensity records were approached or exceeded as well, with numerous storms around the state dumping over 2 inches per hour and one storm (July 1st) in the Twin Cities exceeding 3 inches per hour, which surpasses the 100 year return period for 1 hour intensity. Some of these intense storms also delivered hail to western Minnesota counties, particularly Swift and Chippewa. Rainfall frequency records we also broken. Rosemount recorded 20 days with measurable rainfall, MSP 17 days, La Crosse 17 days, St Cloud 16 days, and Red Wing 15 days. These all equalled or exceeded the station record for most wet days in the month of July. Lastly, several high dew point records were broken for numerous communities around the state. Dew points in the high 70s, and even 80 degrees F were common during the second half of the month. Locally, the St Paul Climatological Observatory recorded 231 hours with dew points of 70 degrees F or greater during July. The average annual number of hours with dew points this high is only 97. Dew points of 75 degrees F or greater were recorded for 52 hours during the month, compared to an annual average for the Twin Cities of only 10 hours. No wonder everybody's air conditioning bills are so high. Mark Seeley Professor and Extension Climatologist Department of Soil, Water, and Climate University of Minnesota St Paul, MN 55108 Ph. (612) 625-4724 FAX (612) 625-2208 E-Mail MSEELEY@SOILS.UMN.EDU