Twin Cities Christmas Eve Day Windchills

Windchills on Christmas Eve Day in the Twin Cities:

There have been 12 Christmas Eves this century in the Twin 
Cities when windchill conditions met the advisory criteria 
for the National Weather Service (-40 F or colder).  There 

Year           Christmas Eve Windchill Conditions (F)
1902                        -48
1910*                       -40
1914                        -40
1917                        -49
1921                        -55
1924                        -44
1926*                       -40
1933                        -50
1935                        -43
1980                        -42
1983                        -79**
1985                        -53
*denotes windchill criteria met by rounding up to nearest value.
** denotes coldest all-time in the Twin Cities record.

Mark Seeley
Professor and Extension Climatologist
Department of Soil, Water, and Climate
University of Minnesota
St Paul, MN  55108

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Last modified: December 22, 1999