Office Resources
Forecast Products
- SPC Risk and Timing
- MSP Monthly Summary Text Products
- NWS Home Page
- Plymouth State Weather Center
- NCEP Early Bird Models
- College of Dupage
- College of Dupage Legacy Page
- Pivotal Weather Models
- SPC Short Range Ensemble Forecast
- SREF Plume Viewer
- GEFS Ensemble Mean
- NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model
- Northern Hemisphere Animation
- Current NWS MOS Forecast Products
- GFS Long-Term MSP Meteogram: 0 - 7.5 days
- GFS Long-Term MSP Meteogram: 8 - 16 days
- Current Day 1 Convective Outlook
- Current Convective Watches from SPC
- CPC Monthly and Seasonal Forecasts
- National Multi-Model Ensemble (one and three month outlooks)
- Seasonal climate forecast from CFSv2
- Low Track Ensembles
Current Regional Data
- Iowa State RR2 MPX archive
- Synoptic quick peek
- Aviation Weather Overlay
- New AHPS
- Observed Minnesota 24-hour Precipiation
- Observed Minnesota 48-hour Precipiation
- Observed Minnesota 72-hour Precipiation
- Observed Twin Cities 24-hour Precipiation
- Observed Minnesota 72-hour Snowfall
- Latest U.S. Drought Monitor for Midwest
- Five Minute KMSP ASOS Data
- Old Skool NOAA METAR maps
- Streamlines (black and white)
- Streamlines (color)
- Current and Past Minnesota Observations from AnythingWeather Communications, Inc.
- MODIS Images
- High Resolution 1K Visible Satellite Image for eastern MN (from U of W Madison)
- High Resolution Polar Orbiter Color Visible Satellite
- Upper Mississippi Valley Radar Loop
- DuPage Regional Radar Loop
- Vaisala lightning explorer
- Snow Water Eqivalent
- CoCoRaHS data Download
- Historical AHPS
- HIDEN Station Dump
- MSP SCO Legacy LCD
- Upper Air Sounding Climatology
- NWS Text Products by Issuing Center by Date (Iowa State)
- Data for NWS Users (Iowa State)
- Storm Prediction Center - Monthly Severe Weather Statistics by State
- NCDC Image and Publications System (IPS)
- NCDC Daily Records
- NCDC Multi-network Metadata System (MMS)
- NCDC Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR)
- UCAR Radar (and other imagery) Archive
- CoCoRaHS -> River Forecast Center transmit example
- ThreadEx
- CLIMOD (Northeast Regional Climate Center)
- xmACIS (version 2)
- SC ACIS Multi-Station Example
- SC ACIS Multi-Day Example
- SC ACIS Examples
- SC ACIS Snow Depth Retrieval
- NWS hourly radar-based precipitation estimates (Test Site)
- National Mosaic & Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (radar-plus)
- SPC Preliminary Severe Weather Database Summary
- Solar Anywhere